County Clare’s Health and Wellbeing Age Expo on October 3, 2024
Following on from the success of last year’s event, Clare Older People’s Council, part of Clare County Council’s Age Friendly County Programme, will again host this year’s Health and Wellbeing Age Expo on Thursday, 3 October at Treacy’s West County Hotel, Ennis from 11am to 4pm.

The Age Expo will showcase the supports and services available in County Clare that are aimed at Older People. The Mid-West Community Healthcare support team, the Integrated Care Programme for Older Persons, Active Ennis, Alone, Clare Libraries, Local Link and the Healthy Age Friendly Homes Programme are among those displaying at the event.
Guest speakers will discuss a range of topics, from nutrition to mental health, and the taster sessions, which proved popular at last year’s event, include Tai Chi, chair yoga, tech support and singing. These taster sessions are to show people what it might be like to participate in a singing group or attend a Tai Chi class. All the talks and the activities are free, as is entry to the expo.
The Irish Heart Foundation will also carry out free health checks during the event. On-site parking is available, and the public bus stops just outside the venue.
Cllr. Alan O’Callaghan, Cathaoirleach of Clare County Council said, “I wish to acknowledge the work of the Clare Older People’s Council and its members in coordinating the ‘Health and Wellbeing’ Age Expo for Clare. I have read through the program, and it is set to be an informative, practical, and fun event. I would like to encourage everyone interested in learning about supports, services, and opportunities available for older people in County Clare to attend the Age Expo.”
Pat Dowling, Chief Executive, Clare County Council and Chair of the Age Friendly Ireland Alliance said, “Clare County Council recognises the importance of being an Age Friendly County, particularly through our ongoing commitment to both the Age Friendly Clare and Healthy Clare Programmes. Being an Age Friendly society benefits everyone in the county, regardless of their age. Such work cannot happen in isolation, however, which is why I would like to commend all the community, voluntary, public and private sector organisations participating in the Age Expo. Events like this are an important platform for service providers and users to meet and talk to one another.”
Madge O’Callaghan, PRO of Clare Older People’s Council encouraged not just older people to attend the Expo, but younger family members too, “One of the great things about growing old in Ireland today is that we in the Clare Older People’s Council are helping to pave the way for older people to enjoy a healthy and happy third stage of life. Ireland has an ageing population and we all need to be taking care of ourselves physically, mentally and emotionally. This year’s event will showcase a range of goods and services to support older people to do this”.
Kelly Slattery, Clare Age Friendly Programme Manager, added, “One of the key goals of the Healthy Ireland Framework for improving Health and Wellbeing is ‘increasing the proportion of people who are healthy at all stages of life.’ The Clare Age Expo is supporting this goal, raising awareness of the health enhancing opportunities available for older people living in County Clare.”
The Clare Age Expo is supported by the Clare Older People's Council and the Department of Health’s ‘Healthy Ireland Fund’
Page last reviewed: 24/09/24
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